Waste > Curated beauty
/ Tales of time in harvested matter
The most solid knowledge about materials’ circular potentials Spolia Studio finds through collaborations and conversations with demolishers. This way, learning about materials separation and remaining longevity, from the ones who have hands-on experience after handelling tons and tons of dusty building waste.
Aiming for circularity, we must accept that the linear design proces gets disrupted. “Form follows availability”. Ideally local availability. As a result we need to harvest and deside on materials in an early design phase, and handle irregularity, smaller and unique batches, and dare to carry the risk that comes with experimenting where there are no previous examples to follow.
With support from the Danish Arts Foundation, and own funds, we do up-front experimenting on some of the waste fractions that hold the most carbon, and potential of beauty. This is the essense of Spolia, that we have committed to by name.
Investigating potentials of repurposing matter,
1:1 experiments
2023 and onwards
Photos by Spolia Studio