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/ Past, present and future 

Bronze and jesmonite/marble sculptures.

A sailor's chest, footsteps, a workers jacket.


When leaving port, the sailor’s chest was prepared. Inside the chest are both expectations of the journey, and the yearning to return. This chest, cast in bronze, is placed between the buildings on Skansekaia pier, as if left behind from the last century. It is closed, it’s content unknown. It is warm to sit on, a place to rest.


The trace is under glass on the pier. It is a three-part sculpture, cast in marble dust and jesmonite. At the edge of the pier the trace stands like a lantern, casting its light out to sea. A signal guiding those who leave, and an invitation, a lantern showing the way back home for those who travel the ocean. The trace, like the chest, point outwards - but also home.


A workers jacket cast in bronze hangs high on a peg on the wall. It
signifies the boat builder of our time, today and through generations.


Art installation

Collaboration with A K Dolven


Ålesund (NO)

Text by A K Dolven

Proces photos by Spolia Studio,
A K Dolven and Sunnmørsposten Newspaper

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